Investing in Nigeria

Investing in Nigeria


Are you interested in Investing in Nigeria but don’t know how to better explore business opportunities in the country?

If yes, the following is guide about investing in Nigeria: A Guide to Foreign Investors.

It’s a brief overview. For a full paper kindly contact us for a quote.

Business outlook for Nigeria; the most populous African country, holds a vast promise for the foreign investor.

The population of Nigeria is estimated to be 202 million which represents some 2.35% of the entire earth’s population. The UN has posited that Nigeria may surpass the US in population by 2055 and could likely be the third most populous country after China and India. Urbanization is growing at a rapid pace and technology is increasingly impacting on the economy especially in terms of Information technology.

Improved governance and better management of the national economy have created an environment conducive for business in the country. The World Bank has placed Nigeria among the Top 20 improvers in doing business out of 190 countries. Prospective foreign investors have to be conversant with business incorporation framework, regulations, tax issues, risk climate and other peculiarities of the country prior to embarking upon their investment options.

Business Sectors available for Foreign Investment

The Oil and Gas is primarily the most active sector in Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producers in Africa with the largest oil and gas reserves in sub-Saharan Africa estimated at 37 billion barrels of oil 188 trillion cubic feet of gas (Natural Resource Governance Institute, 2017) . ten per cent of the gross domestic product of Nigeria is contributed by the oil and gas sector petroleum products exports account for 86% of the country’s total export revenue (OPEC 2019). Consequently, the oil and gas sector is the most vibrant sector in the Nigerian economy. Although developments of shale oil production in the United States and restrictive covenants in the Paris climate accord have made major world economies are shying away from oil, the future for the global oil and gas sector is not gloomy due rapid population growth and increasing global wealth. Global demand for oil is predicted to reach 55 to 60 million barrels per day by the 2040s (World Economic Forum, 2015).

Investing in Nigeria or in any Sub Sahara African country could be immensely profitable a long as you get the right information from the right people. Afrikem Group is one of those right people.


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We also conduct insurance claim investigations, translate documents, due diligence and do business writing.

Investing in Nigeria: A GUIDE TO FOREIGN INVESTORS is an example of business writing that we offer.

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