Authenticate Marriage Certificate in Banjul

Authenticate Marriage Certificate in Banjul

It takes AFRIKEM GROUP 2-4 DAYS to authenticate marriage certificate in Banjul. But where is Banjul? I know most people know the location of Banjul.


For those who do not know, Banjul is the capital city of The Gambia. The Gambia is a small and narrow country in the continent of Africa. Being the smallest country in mainland Africa, the Republic of The Gambia is almost surrounded by Senegal with the exception of its western coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps you might wonder why “The” is included in the country’s name. “The” in the African perspective is “the smiling coast of Africa”. In other words, The Gambia is all about happiness. Despite the political, economic and social problems the country is facing, the people of the Gambia are believed to be happy. Anyway, let us gather some insights on how to authenticate marriage certificate in Gambia.

The Gambia has a well-structured governance. Government offices work relatively quick despite regular power shortages. Since the country is small, most certificates are verified or procured in Banjul, the capital. The busiest offices are the Registrar of Births and The Attorney General’s Office, whose work is to authenticate marriage certificate in Banjul.

The Gambia Borders The Atlantic Ocean

To authenticate marriage certificate in Banjul, it has to go through the third most powerful government official in the country; in this case the Attorney General. If he is not in the office, no one else has the jurisdiction to authenticate marriage certificate in Banjul. Lucky enough he never happens to be out of office in working days that frequent. It is also important to note that it is easier to authenticate marriage certificate in Banjul than to authenticate birth certificate. No matter which one is less difficult, AFRIKEM GROUP get things done on time.

The third busiest office is the Child Custody Institution, after the Registrar of Births and Deaths. We are pleased to be at your service. If you want to verify birth certificate or marriage certificate in Banjul, count on us.

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